Monday, March 30, 2015

Master Necrotech Mortenebra

The completed Master Necrotech Mortenebra and crew.

First up is the big gal herself. Fitted with a new cankerworm body, I have to say this is one of my favorite conversions I've done to day. Its a busy model , with eight arms/claws in total. The color of the armor was inspired by a lot of the green/yellow insects you see, notably beetles. It felt right with the centipede body and the overall insect-like aesthetic.

Her little buddy Deryliss. Got to do some fun color transition on the robes.

Lastly, the leftovers of Mortenebra and the Cankerworm were reporposed into a Cryxian objective. A little guy I've affectionately been calling the Cankerbug, I loaded  up his base with some parts (The Mortenebra model came with an extra shoulder claw, woot!), plasticard and gears I found in the jewelry making section at my local Michaels.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Extreme Mauler

Finally got this guy finished up! Was a gift for a friend/client from another friend/client. He had it lying around and was never using it, so he decided it needed a new home with an actual troll player.

The base is actually a metal one, for the sole purpose of weighing this guy in at a little over 1 lb. 1 lb of pewter a good handful to hold while painting. And which is why I stressed he should put it on his mantlepiece as a nice trophy rather than having it tip over on the board.

All parties were please with this guy, espeically its new owner, as metal extremes are now out of production.