Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Finally managed to get some pictures of some X-Wing mini's that I had done in the recent past for a client.

The Fett Man himself. Slave 1 redone in a slightly darker and grittier look than the factory stock paint.

Kath Scarlet's Firespray

Krassis Trelix's Firespray. The yellow on this one came out pretty well.

And the last in the bunch, a sleek black Lambda Shuttle with Imperial Cog decals (actually nail decals).

Friday, January 23, 2015

Straight outta Skavenblight

After a long and unintentional hiatus, we're back in full swing! Kickign in 2015 with the Warhammer Fantasy Island of Blood Skaven Warlord.

Minis to look forward to in the near future:

-Descent's Leoric, Roganna and Reynhart
-Skaven Rat Ogres
-Skaven Screaming Bell
-More Trollbloods!